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Reset Account Password

How to reset account password?

  1. On desktop, locate the "Sign In" or "Register" section at top right corner of the page. On mobile device click on menu icon to expand and location "Sign In" in the list.

  2. Click on the "Forgot Password" link to initiate the password reset process.

  3. Enter the email address associated with the account: Enter the email address that you have previously used to create your account. This is the email address where you will receive instructions to reset the password.

  4. Check the email inbox: Check your email inbox, including the spam or junk folder, for a password reset email from Kennedy Wild Bird Food.

  5. Open the password reset email: Open the email received from your Kennedy Wild Bird Food regarding the password reset. This email will contain a link or instructions on how to proceed.

  6. Follow the password reset instructions: Follow the instructions provided in the email to reset your password. This typically involves clicking on a password reset link provided within the email alternatively you can also copy and paste the link in the new browser window or new tab of your current browser window.

  7. Set a new password: Once the password reset process is initiated, you will be directed to a page where you can set a new password for your account. You should choose a strong, unique password and confirm it by entering it twice.

  8. Log in with the new password: After successfully setting the new password, you can log in to your account using the newly created password.

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