What Bird Food Should You Feed Wild Owls?
Bird food for Owls. Owls are one of Britain’s favourite birds and although they are wild birds they can sometimes be tempted to peoples garden with the right treats.
If you are wanting to entice more owls to your garden or maybe you already have an owl visitor or one that lives nearby, you need to know what bird food should you feed wild owls?
Will A Wild Owl Visit My Garden?
If you are an avid bird feeder or a home bird watcher, then you are probably hoping that the
6th Dec 2021
What Are The Most Popular Types of Bird Feed?
Are there any varieties of bird feed more popular than others? Read on to find out which types of bird food are popular, how to select which types to buy, and save money.
Popular Bird Feeds
If you’re wondering which bird feed is the most popular, the simple answer is…it’s quite a difficult question to answer! Popular amongst birds? With a specific type of bird? Or what bird feed is most popular with buyers?
Popular Feeds By Bird Species
Each of the common species of b
29th Nov 2021
Do Wild Birds Have A Favourite Bird Food?
Have you noticed some bird food disappears quickly from your garden and others are ignored? Is it possible wild birds have a favourite food? Read on to find out.
Favourite Bird Food
The simple answer is many common species of birds do indeed have favourite foods but, many birds don’t feed exclusively on one food source. Many common species eat a wide variety of foods, usually depending on availability.
Blue tits love caterpillars and use them to feed their young too. However
29th Nov 2021
How Nutritious Are Sunflower Seeds For Birds?
How nutritious are sunflower seeds. As the weather gets colder, you might want to start thinking about the birds that visit your garden and weather or not you should be feeding them. Now that we are in autumn, the birds are going to need a lot more food.
Birds need food that provide them with all the nutrients and calories they need to be able to survive the winter months and if they are migrating for the winter, they will need to build up their strength to make this long journey.
22nd Nov 2021
What Bird Food Should You Use In Autumn?
Bird food for Autumn. As the seasons change, you will also notice a change in the wildlife in your area, especially the birds.
Autumn is no different and you might see more and more birds coming to your garden in search of food. If this is the case then you may be wondering, what bird food should you use in autumn?
Feeding the birds
In autumn the weather will start to get colder, and it will get dark a lot quicker, this will only get worse in winter. Because of the c
19th Nov 2021
How Feeding The Birds Can Help You Get Closer To Wildlife At Home
The UK is full of interesting and beautiful types of wildlife. As a nation, we have some of the most interesting creatures on the planet, but you don’t have to travel far to get to see some of these countries amazing nature.
There are so many wonderful creatures you can find in your own garden. Learning about nature and getting onto hobbies like bird watching doesn’t have to be difficult. You can easily get into bird watching and get closer to wildlife from the comfort of your own garden.
8th Nov 2021
Autumn Wildlife Highlights
Autumn wildlife highlights. It’s autumn which means there are some big changes happing in nature. Autumn is where British wildlife starts to prepare the upcoming winter and the colder, harsher weather this brings.
There are so many wonderful sights to see and experience in the UK in autumn so here are some of out autumn wildlife highlights.
Beautiful Multi-coloured Trees
During autumn the leaves on the trees change colour. they go from rich luscious green to bright v
1st Nov 2021
Should You Increase Bird Feed In Autumn?
It's autumn which means the days are getting colder, the nights are getting longer, and food supplies are starting to dwindle for our feathered friends.
If this is the case, should you increase bird feed in autumn?
Do Birds Need Feeding In Autumn?
Some people believe that birds don’t need feeding in autumn, but this isn’t necessarily true. Whilst a lot of plants and trees tend to bear fruit in autumn, food is always tricky to find for our feathered friends, no matter what th
25th Oct 2021
Spooky Bird Facts For Halloween
Spooky bird facts for Halloween. It’s Halloween! People are dressing up as goblins and ghouls, carving pumpkins into silly faces and best of all people are gathering to tell each other spooky ghost stories!
But if you want to know some really spooky stories then look no further than nature and wildlife. Here are some real spooky bird facts for Halloween that are garneted to send shivers down your spine!
1.Some Pelicans Can Swallow Birds Whole
Great White Pelicans are some bi
25th Oct 2021
Autumn Wildlife Care Tips
Autumn wildlife care tips. It's autumn! This means that things are changing in nature, leaves are changing colour, the nights are getting longer, and the temperature is dropping.
These changes in nature can lead to changes for our feathered friend’s other wildlife that comes to visit in our gardens. It’s important to be mindful of wildlife in autumn and to know how to help our garden wildlife as the season change.
Here our Autumn Wildlife Care Tips.
If You Have A Pon
20th Oct 2021