Preparing Your Garden For Autumn
As we approach autumn, we are set to see some new flying visitors in our gardens. However, due to migration patterns and colder weather setting in, don’t be worried if you start to see fewer and fewer birds in your garden. This blog is going to offer top tips for preparing your garden for autumn.
It is likely during the autumn months that birds can be found taking shelter from the harsher weather conditions and predators. With the change in weather, comes the change in lights
5th Jul 2023
Why You May See Less Birds In Winter
Winter is a time that birds we see deplete in numbers like many elements of wildlife. More often than not, this isn’t something to worry about. Not seeing many flying friends visit your garden during the colder months is to be expected. This blog aims to cover why you may see fewer birds in winter.
Following a pattern that may not seem logical to us humans, winter is often the time that we see the disappearance of many familiar birds and possible appearances of new garden visit
5th Jul 2023
Feeding Birds During Nesting Season
When Is Nesting Season?
Feeding birds during nesting season. Although there is no specifically defined season that birds nest, depending on factors such as weather conditions and bird species having an effect – the majority of birds tend to nest between March and August. The spring/summer months in the UK.
To protect birds during this period, following the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, we mustn’t disturb nesting birds.
Why shouldn’t we d
5th Jul 2023
Winter Garden Birds
As the snow hits most of the UK, and we start to add extra layers for our winter walks, many of us are starting to see different birds this winter. Many birds come to England for the colder months, some of which stay here year-round. This blog aims to explore winter garden birds in an attempt to help you identify the flying beauties that visit your garden this winter.
As always, if you are lucky enough to spot one of the bird breeds we explore in this blog - you can log it in the Birdsp
5th Jul 2023
Keeping Wildlife Safe On Bonfire Night
With Bonfire Night right on our doorstep, it’s only right that we are wrapping up, putting on our cosiest coats and hats and getting prepared to venture out to our gardens, or an extravagant firework display. However you choose to celebrate this Bonfire Night, there are several ways in which we, collectively, can go that extra mile to ensure we keep wildlife and ourselves safe.
This blog aims to focus on ways in which we can keep wildlife safe on Bonfire Night. At Kennedy, we pride ours
5th Jul 2023
Will Sunflower Seeds From Bird Food Grow?
Can you grow the sunflower seeds you find in your bird mix? Sunflower seeds for birds are a popular garden treat for our feathered friends but maybe you’re worried about ending up with a field full of sunflowers! Or you may want to give growing sunflowers a go? Let’s find out if bird food sunflower seeds will actually amount to much.
Sunflower Seeds For Birds
First of all, it’s important to distinguish between the different types of sunflower seeds available for feeding birds.
5th Jul 2023
What Bird Food Can I Feed To Pigeons?
There are lots of different birds in the UK and many of them will happily come to your garden to eat food when they can. There is one bird however that you can be sure will always come to visit your garden.
The pigeon is a common bird here in the UK and don’t be surprised if you see them start to visit your garden more often when they realise you have food. If you notice pigeons in your garden are looking for food then here is what bird food you can feed to pigeons.
2nd Mar 2022
Bird Baths - The Pros & Cons
If you want to feed the birds at home, then you need to make your garden a warm and inviting place that the birds will want to visit. Adding a birdbath can be a great way to do this, but there are some pros & cons to having a birdbath that you should be aware of before you make any decisions.
What Is a Bird Bath?
A birdbath is a small shallow basin that is filled with water and left out in your garden. It can help provide birds with water to drink and to bathe in and this can a
2nd Mar 2022
Can Bird Food Go Bad?
If you enjoy bird watching at home or just enjoy feeding them in your garden then you probably leave out food. If you do there are certain things you need to be aware of like can bird food go bad and how to spot when feed is rotten.
Why Leave Food Out?
Feeding birds can get you closer to wildlife at home. Food can be hard for birds to find and if you leave it out for them you can do a lot of good and help them survive. Food from a specialist like Kennedy wild bird food has
2nd Mar 2022
The UK's Best Winter Nature Spotting Places
You’d be forgiven for thinking that spring or summer might be the best seasons for nature spotting in the UK but in fact, the cold winter months are an excellent time to wrap up warm and get outdoors with many rare sights and wildlife spectacles to witness across the UK.
Here are some of the UK’s best winter nature spotting places.
River Esk, North York Moors
Throughout November and December, it’s possible to witness salmon runs on the River Esk on the North York Moors. Desp
10th Feb 2022