The Ultimate Bird Food Guide: Part Two
The ultimate bird food guide: part two will touch on when it is ideal for feeding birds in your garden and how. Part one of the guide explores what to provide and the best bird seed.
The Ultimate Bird Food Guide: When To Feed Birds
There is no specific time of year that is the prime time to feed birds, despite the myth of them only needing bird seed during the winter, food shortages for birds can occur at any time of the year.

Spring And Summer
Spring and summer are the months we anticipate that natural food sources are in abundance, however, this isn’t always the case. With spring and summer come breeding season and nesting season, and so birds require a high-energy diet to mate and keep their young safe successfully.
Extra food in your feeders can make a huge difference during this time of year, as fledglings often visit gardens as a safe place to venture out and get food by themselves for the first time.
Within Britain specifically, spring and summer don’t necessarily mean sun, and so it is vital that birds can access food elsewhere when the weather is wet and still cool. Especially when they have migrated back to the UK in summer, from hotter climates.
Autumn And Winter
Autumn and winter months can face some harsh weather conditions in Britain and it is during this time that it is probably most beneficial for birds to seek food from your gardens.
Birds require high-fat content in their diets during autumn and winter to protect that all-important layer of fat that acts as their energy source, beneath their feathers and skin.
With a plethora of bird species visiting your garden during the colder months, maintaining good hygiene is essential to ensure the safety of the birds.

The Ultimate Bird Food Guide: How To Feed Birds
There are a number of ways in which you can feed birds, again dependent on the bird species your garden attracts and also the time of year you are feeding them. There are also several bird feeders on the market, so how do you decipher which is best?
Wild birds require somewhere accessible to feed. Jacobi Jayne has developed a variety of accessible bird seed feeders that are proudly stocked at Kennedy Wild Bird Food. Made with the best possible components, the ringpull click and Big Easy feeder are brilliant options to have in your garden year-round.
Ringpull Click Seed Feeder
This seed feeder is designed to allow for stress-free cleaning and refilling. So, not only is it a brilliant option for birds but garden owners too!
The ringpull click feeder offers the easiest cleaning solution for bird feeders - a clean feeder is how to ensure birds visit your garden time and time again.
They are perfect for dispensing a large variety of seed mixes and so are essential if you are wanting to attract an array of bird species.
Big Easy Seed Feeder
The latest addition to the Jacobi Jayne collection. This high-volume design allows for several birds to feed at once.
The big easy comes with several seed ports and perches meaning it is a good option to have in your garden in order to attract many birds, no matter their feeding style.
This feeder is easy to clean and perfect for sunflower seeds or seed mixes.
Jacobi Jayne Window Feeder
Want to watch birds feed up close? The Jacobi Jayne Window Feeder is a perfect option for avid bird watchers and children! Simply attach it to the window and watch the birds come to you.
Ideal for a number of seed types, this is a firm favourite year-round as you can feed and watch the birds from the comfort of your own home. This is also a beneficial option for those living in flats or built-up areas with little to no garden space.
Robin Feeder
If your garden attracts Robins specifically, you need to alter the way you feed. Robins are natural ground feeders and so often don’t perch on feeders and so feeding trays are ideal.
The Robin tray feeder is high capacity and so holds a high volume of bird seed, meaning less frequent refills.
There are a number of feeders available at Kennedy Wild Bird Food to cater for different ways to feed birds.
Get In Touch
Want to know more about our bird feeders or need some more advice on feeding birds? Let us know!
Call us on 01778 342 665
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